In Season Solutions Services

Here are some of our Featured Services. Below you can find more services offered. All classes and workshops are tailored to your needs.

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a type of behavioral therapy aimed at decreasing the likelihood of someone returning to abusing substances or alcohol. It teaches people in the criminal justice system with substance use disorders to focus on the moral aspects of their illness, and the social consequences that may be associated with using drugs or alcohol. MRT started as…

Words-At-Work Training

Words-At-Work Training

A workplace that values diversity and is free of discrimination is more productive and benefits from greater employee satisfaction, improved productivity, reduced employee turnover and increased creativity and innovation through harnessing diverse employee skills and perspectives. Language is a powerful tool for building inclusion at work – it allows people to feel valued, respected and one of the team. The…

Urban Customer Service Development Training

Urban Customer Service Development Training

Customer service has evolved as one of the leading differentiators which consumers consider before making a purchase. Recent research suggests that providing excellent customer experiences will be even more important than cost by the year 2020. Many organizations are unaware that there are problems with their customer service. It was recently found that 80% of organizations think they provide superior…