Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a type of behavioral therapy aimed at decreasing the likelihood of someone returning to abusing substances or alcohol. It teaches people in the criminal justice system with substance use disorders to focus on the moral aspects of their illness, and the social consequences that may be associated with using drugs or alcohol.

MRT started as a behavioral treatment for offender populations to reduce the likelihood of re-offending. It is now a widely accepted cognitive-behavioral approach that treats substance use disorders, trauma, domestic violence, and more.
Similar to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), MRT aims to change thought processes and decision-making associated with addiction and criminal behavior. It utilizes a combination of psychological practices to assist with egocentric behaviors and improve moral reasoning and positive identity. Studies suggest it is effective in reducing recidivism after treatment.

How It Works
Should you decide to try out MRT as part of your substance use treatment, you’ll participate in individual and group counseling. There’s also homework to complete and structured group exercises to engage in. In your workbook, you’ll find 16 steps concentrated on seven cornerstone treatment focuses:


 Building of higher pinnacles of moral reasoning

 Lowering self-destructive tendencies and building your frustration tolerance
 Building a healthy concept of self
 Constructing a positive identity
 Reinforcing healthy habits and behaviors
 Assessing your current relationships
 Coming face-to-face with your current behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs

You’ll meet in a group one to two times per week, and you can complete the program within x sessions.

Who is MRT For?

You may wonder if you’re a proper candidate for MRT. Know that it is aimed at specific populations, including:

 Correctional
 Individuals ages 18-55
 Males and females
 Trauma survivors
 Veterans

If you do not have a criminal history, private individual consultation, is a similar therapeutic approach that may be ideal for you.